2 min readJul 30, 2020

Hi there, my name is Henry Daniel, for the past six weeks I have been under the tutelage of @think_senpai on the design 101 platform, in learning the foundation of UI/UX design. It has been an interesting experience learning alongside bright minds who are willing to learn and share knowledge.

In the first week, I was really skeptical and was overloaded with information but senpia made it easy, with every linked article, video and exercise it became easy to navigate the entire course. As the course progressed I became more an more familiar with terminologies, buzzwords and other elements of design. I familiarized myself with idea conceptualization, wire-framing, colours, typography, icons, iterating etc. Honestly, it was so much fun learning all these, it opened me to a whole word of knowledge and how Ican make my designs more accessible and pleasant. Every Exercise was aimed at making us understand design process, and I can say I am well equipped with enough knowledge to take the next step in my design career.

In all, it was a wonderful experience and I would definitely recommend the course to beginners, this covers the all round basics and foundation of designing. As someone once said, if you struggle with anything you are doing and are struggling, it means you have not covered the foundation in depth. Design 101 is a good place to get grounded in the basics of designing.

UI/UX designers solve problems, to be able to solve a problem, one must be grounded in the basics, and Design 101 does just that.

Thank you.




A designer hoping to change the world, make it more easy for the users to navigate it.